Welcome Bad Natties!
Did you know this type of website is alive and well?
This is the primary website for Sage The Bad Naturalist. I learned very basic HTML and CSS to make it, no dragging or dropping was involved in the making.
Here you'll find all my sources, references, further reading, and similar such pleas to encourage scientific reading. When revenue permits, I will be putting all of my videos here as well. They're big files and cost quite a bit to host.
Why does the website look like this?
This layout is heavily borrowed from sadgirl.online. That page is one of countless Neocities pages made by enthusiasts of a simple, functional internet. A personal webpage does not need tracking, a proprietary template and editor, an anual subscription fee, or for the love of god, advertising. (That being said, I can't stop you from gazing into the Money Hole[tm])
You may think this is strictly an aesthetic choice to buzz your nostalgia cortex, but its more of a silly way to make a serious point. Remember websites with a landing page that autoplayed a video before you could click through to what you actually wanted. It was a new idea, a few people tried it and many more said "never do that ever again". Similarly, I've engaged with and made on many occasion personal and professional websites in the contemporary style. I tried it, didn't like it, so I'm doing something I deem better. Simple as that. Newness is not compulsory.
As a treat for reading that, here's a neat little fungushere's a neat lil fungus which goes over the structure of how this layout is built, along with some specific tips on how to edit it in certain ways.
Check the links in the sidebar for more resources to build your own website!